Copying NFTs is punishable by law?

Artizyou Non-Fungible Certificate
3 min readSep 16, 2021


NFT physical currency with white background Par Negro Elkha

Hey there,

Copyright infringement cases have grown since 2003, arrive at an all-time high in 2018. In 2020, 37 copyright and trademark offenses were reported to the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC), resulting in a median loss of $178,848. Exactly 75.7% of offenders were sentenced to jail time.

As a creator and owner, you want to make sure that your assets, digital or otherwise, are protected. You also want to make sure that any culprit who steals or try to steal your work goes punished. I know I would.

Thanks to England’s Statute of Anne, the earliest copyright law in the world, we now have foundations that we can use to bring infringers to justice. This 1710 law was the very first to acknowledge and mandate that the author of a piece of work should be the owner of its copyright.

It also outlined terms of protecting the author’s rights including having the work registered for copyright. However, unpublished works were not automatically copyrighted.

The Statute of Anne inspired other countries to create their own laws protecting the rights of the creator. What coordinated the international recognition of copyright is the Berne Convention which removed the need to register works in each country and acknowledged the creator’s right to their work, whether published or not, even without registering it.

This policy remains today. You can create a drawing, poem, design, song, or any other product of your ideas and you automatically have the copyright for it as soon as you record it in a tangible form.

The question now is, with the prevalence of the Internet, how many copyright cases go unpunished, let alone reported? Even the Berne Convention fails to create a unified approach to protecting unpublished works at a global level. The problem intensifies when you have artists posting their works on the Internet and unscrupulous individuals stealing their works.

Such is the case not only creators who post their works on the Internet but even with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) which you might think creates protections for digital assets creators.

Enter Artizyou, a solution designed to protect and promote the rights of creators and owners. It combines advanced artificial intelligence and the blockchain to help copyright owners uphold their rights over their work.

To make this possible, Artizyou uses Blockchain Intellectual Property (bPI), which uses the technology used by cryptocurrencies to register tokens and monitor every transaction associated with them. Artists and innovators just need to submit their work, let Artizyou do the rest, and receive their Intellectual Property Certificate.

This IP Certificate named Non Fongible Certificate, serves as an international proof of ownership that lasts for a lifetime. The best part is it comes with plagiarism detection technology that lets you know when your work has been stolen. Artizyou even offers IP consultation just in case you encounter IP thieves.

Artizyou is set to launch an initial coin offering (ICO) this year to bring you the best blockchain-based IP protection solution. To know more about what we have to offer and to stay on top of the latest IP developments, follow us on our social media pages today.



Artizyou Non-Fungible Certificate
Artizyou Non-Fungible Certificate

Written by Artizyou Non-Fungible Certificate

b-IP Blockchain Intellectual Property certificate, which is a non-fungible certificate. Unlike NFTs, it gives you the right to market, exploit, or tokenize IP🚀

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